WordPress Integration

You can easily install NotifyStudio pixel, using “Header and Footer Scripts” wordpress plugin.

First, let’s install the plugin:

  • Log in to your WordPress site.
  • Go to Plugins > Add new
  • Search for “Header and Footer Scripts”.
  • Click “Install Now” and activate the plugin.

Install wordpress plugin

Now go to Settings > Header and Footer Scripts

Paste your NotifyStudio pixel script in to “Scripts in header” box and Save.

Paste script in to scripts in header box

That’s it! you are ready to go.

Personalize your Widget

Edit and customize your Widget as you need. Set your notification icon, title color, text, link, animation.

Page Rules

Segment your Widgets based on your Pages, Devices. Choose the arrival action according to: Delay, Exit-Intent, Scroll.

Auto Capture Data

Simply put the url where the conversion is done, we take care of the rest. Yes, it's that simple!

Powerful Analytics

We automatically collect impressions, clicks, hovers, leads, engagement and much more.