Behavioral Triggers

Activate notifications based on user behavior to create a more personalized and relevant experience. By setting triggers such as page views, scroll depth, or time spent on a page, you can display social proof notifications precisely when they are most likely to influence the visitor.


Timing Triggers

Schedule notifications to appear at specific times or intervals. This feature allows you to control the flow of information and ensure that your social proof messages are delivered at optimal moments, enhancing their impact and effectiveness.

Event-Based Triggers

Event-Based Triggers

Set up notifications to trigger on specific events, such as a user adding an item to their cart, completing a purchase, or signing up for a newsletter. Event-based triggers ensure that your social proof messages are highly relevant and timely, increasing their ability to drive further engagement or conversions.


Geolocation Triggers

Customize notifications based on the visitor’s geographic location. By targeting users with location-specific messages, you can make your social proof more relatable and compelling, which is particularly effective for local promotions or region-specific offers.





Audience Segmentation

Use advanced segmentation to trigger notifications for specific audience groups. Whether targeting new visitors, returning customers, or users from a particular traffic source, audience segmentation ensures that your social proof is tailored to the unique characteristics and behaviors of different user groups.


Engagement Triggers

Activate notifications when a user interacts with certain elements on your website, such as clicking a button or hovering over a product image. Engagement triggers help capitalize on moments of interest, nudging users towards making a purchase or taking another desired action.

Exit-Intent Triggers

Exit-Intent Triggers

Show notifications when a user is about to leave your site. Exit-intent triggers can help capture potential lost sales by offering last-minute incentives, such as discounts or special offers, encouraging visitors to stay and complete their purchase.

These Trigger features provide a sophisticated mechanism for delivering social proof notifications at the most opportune times. By leveraging behavioral, timing, event-based, geolocation, audience segmentation, engagement, and exit-intent triggers, you can create a highly personalized and effective social proof strategy that maximizes user engagement and conversions.

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